Need a Custom Project?
Our live-video hogeye camera system can be used to monitor anything, anywhere, 24/7.
We Can Build Custom Live-Video Cameras to Fit Your Monitoring Needs.
HogEye is a live-video camera system that works anywhere, 24/7 to help you monitor what matters.
Save Time
Save Money
Monitor more with less effort
Organizations Who Trust Wildlife Dominion

We Can Build Custom Live-Video Cameras to Fit Your Needs.
24/7 Monitoring of What Matters Most to You:
Wildlife feeders
Farm and ranch equipment
Dog kennels
Horse stalls and roping arenas
Hunting camps
Water troughs/tanks
Start Your Custom Project in 3 Easy Steps
1. Request A Free Consult
Schedule a call to learn how we can help protect your property, wildlife habitats, and exotic animals.
2. Design the Project
We will help you develop a custom live-video project to fit your management needs.
3. Get the Monitoring and Protection You Need
Monitor and protect whatever matters most to you. We deliver results every time.
Custom Live-Video Camera Projects

How We’ve Helped Others

“I’ve been on Giles Island for 25 years. First 18 years we didn’t have any hogs here but we started seeing a lot of hogs. That’s when we decided to get HogEye. Since then we have caught every hog on this 9400 acre island.”
Jimmy Riley
Giles Island
“We use HogEye cameras exclusively for our wildlife removal and relocation operations on ranches and municipalities. The live-video, user management, trap flexibility, reliability and excellent customer support makes HogEye cameras a critical tool in our business.”
James Bond, Cherokee Capture Services
Lometa, Texas

“We used to lose hours each day checking waterfowl roosts, water levels, and wildlife crop damage. HogEye camera’s live-video allows us to remotely monitor these resources, saving valuable time and money.”
Jody Acosta
Delta Wildlife
Ready to Start Your Custom Camera Project?
We Can Help.
Wildlife Dominion can help you monitor more with less effort.
Property. Wildlife Habitats. Exotic Animals. And more.